Product Name: Custom Dice Order Payment - $3000 USD + $100 Transfer Fee
This placeholder is for a custom dice order payment of $3000 USD, plus a $100 transfer fee for processing through WePay (from a U.S. WePay account to a Chinese WePay account). This payment ensures the seamless transfer and production of your custom dice. Please confirm all details of your order and payment before proceeding.
If you have any questions about this payment or your order, please contact us directly for help!
产品名称:定制骰子订单付款 - 3000 美元 + 100 美元转账费
此占位符用于支付 3000 美元的定制骰子订单,外加通过 WePay 处理的 100 美元转账费(从美国 WePay 账户到中国 WePay 账户)。此付款可确保您的定制骰子的无缝转移和生产。请在继续之前确认订单和付款的所有详细信息。
Queer & BIPOC Owned and Operated. Creators of the original Pride Dice for Tabletop RPG’s. HeartBeat Dice offers a variety of Pride-themed polyhedral dice sets and accessories for board & role-playing games!
We believe everyone should Roll with Pride at the gaming table, and offer a wide range of LGBTQIA+ flag colors; we will continue to expand our line to represent every sexual and gender identity!
HeartBeat Dice was created in winter of 2016 with the goal to give back to the LGBTQIA+ community by donating a portion of our dice sales year-round directly to charities that help promote equality, provide access to education and healthcare, and protect basic rights for the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as at-risk youth-- including Howard Brown Health and The Trevor Project.
“Roll with Pride”® is a registered trademark of HeartBeatDice. All rights reserved. This slogan, along with the associated logo and designs, represents our commitment to inclusivity and creativity in gaming. Unauthorized use of the “Roll with Pride”® trademark or our related branding is strictly prohibited.
For inquiries about licensing or collaborations, please contact us at: hello@heartbeatdice.com